Mantra to Calm Mind

Mantra to Calm Mind | Tan Man Shaant |

Soothing Calming Relaxing Meditation Music


Mantra:  Ŧan man shāʼnṯ hoi aḏẖikāī rog kātai sūkẖ savījai.

Mantra  Tan Man Shant Hoi Adhikai, Rog Kaatai Sukh Savijai -Meaning

My mind and body are calm and tranquil; the disease has been cured, and now I sleep in peace.

One of the very difficult tasks or art that we will ever learn is to calm our own minds. 100 thoughts running around in our mind at any time, we repeat things happened in the past, worry about the future and are never in the here and now. To be true happy, we have to be fully present in now. But we are always so many projects we need to do, the stress about work, what we want to achieve, and all this fog of thoughts in our minds, keep us from being fully present in the current moment.
As we calm our minds, we let the present and let the life happen to us. As we understand, meditate and chant this mantra. the peace starts to seep in our minds and we become calm.

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