Peace Mantra | Om Asato Ma Sadgamya | Shanti Mantra Chanting Meditation

Shanti Mantra Chanting Meditation – Peace Mantra | Om Asato Ma Sadgamya



Asato Ma Sad Gamaya
O Lord, keep me not in the unreality, the untruth (of the bondage of the illusionary world), but lead me towards the Reality, the truth (of Eternal self).

Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya
O Lord, keep me not in the darkness (of ignorance), but lead me towards the Light (of Spiritual knowledge).

Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya
O Lord, keep me not in fear of death, (immortality of world) but lead me towards the Immortality (gained by the knowledge of Immortal Self beyond Death, beyond body).

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
O Lord!

May there be Peace, Peace, Peace at all the three levels – Adidaivika, Adibhautika, Adiyatmika.

This Mantra is a true Prayer – the seeker’s humble and heartfelt cry for knowledge of Ultimate Truth.  It is not a prayer for the worldly things – for food, shelter, health, riches, success or fame, glory or even for heaven.  But a prayer for Ultimate Peace when one is led from the Unreal to the Real, from Darkness of Ignorance to Light of knowledge and from the fear of mortality of the world &the body to the immortality of the Eternal self_ the Paramatma –  the God.

When the clouds of all misunderstandings are shed and one understands and is blessed with true knowledge of self, there is Peace, Peace & Peace e

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